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Cannadian Seeds Strains

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About Us

Cannadian Seeds

In 1998, a group of students and friends of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with cannabic concerns, decided to use the knowledge acquired at the University of Alberta to improve the quality of the cannabis strains they cultivated (for their own self-consumption). Initially, they obtained regular seeds from barter with other local auto-cultivators. Unfortunately, these seeds were not high-quality genetics. But, from these seeds, they were able to stabilize the traits that most interested them.

When they finished college, these friends kept in touch by sharing and improving genetics of higher quality every time. Some of them could be said to be «cannabis freaks». For that reason, those who were still close to Edmonton (the city where they studied) decided to professionalize their method. They worked underground until 2007. After that moment, they began to work seriously as professional breeders.

Logically, the beginnings were not easy and of the initial group of 12 friends who began to study at the University of Alberta, only 3 remained. These three were the ones who finally created Cannadian Seeds in 2011. Initially they only worked with regular seeds. From 2014 onwards, they focused only on feminized seeds, incorporating different genetics until obtaining the current catalogue.

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